Channing H. Tobias collection, 1937-1983.
Related Entities
There are 3 Entities related to this resource.
Phelps-Stokes Fund (corporateBody)
The Phelps and Stokes families had long been associated with a variety of philanthropic enterprises in the 19th and 20th centuries. The Phelps-Stokes Fund was created in 1911 as a non-profit foundation under the will of Caroline Phelps Stokes. Its original objectives were to improve housing for the poor in New York City, and the "education of Negroes, both in Africa and the United States, North American Indians, and needy and deserving white students." The contacts maintained by the staff and tr...
Tobias, Channing H. (1882-1961). (person)
Channing Heggie Tobias was born 1 February 1882 in Augusta, Georgia. He was educated in the public schools of Augusta, and went on to earn a B.A. from Paine College in 1902 and a B.D. from Drew Theological Seminary in 1905. Gammon Theological Seminary (Atlanta, Geo.) conferred on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity in 1924. Most of Tobias's career was devoted to the YMCA. After serving for twelve years as student secretary of the International Committee of the YMCA, he was appointed as...
YMCA of the USA (corporateBody)
A child of evangelical Protestantism, the YMCA at first considered itself a specialized agency for bringing young men to Christ. Although the early Y's mission was unabashedly religious in nature, the organization focused on method rather than doctrine or philosophy. Dominated by business men rather than professional religious leaders, the movement tended to emphasize facilities, expansion, practical usefulness, and specific influence. Early work included not only the distribution of tracts, Bib...